2022-23 Gallery
See the photos of all our assemblies and activities throughout the year!
Year 6 Graduation
Another year has come to an end and with it another group of students moves on to Secondary...
Nursery and Reception
The youngest members of our school entertained us with songs sung with great enthusiasm! Their...
Year 3 assembly
Year 3 reminded us that, while junk food may be delicious, we should not eat a lot of it because...
Year 2 assembly
Year 2 sang us a beautiful song, encouraging us all to 'Go the Distance'. If we want to achieve...
Year 5 Assembly, and Sports Awards
Year 5 hosted the first assembly of this term and decided to take us back down memory lane to...
Sports Day!
Sports Day is definitely a day that has been missed, and so we put that to rights on Sunday, 14th...
Bake Sale
This Bake Sale was held in honour of the Coronation of King Charles III. All over the UK, Monday...
Y6 Art
Year 6 painted their hands in order to decorate the tablecloth used in the Bake Sale. It was...
Nursery Sand Activity
Nursery children had such fun last week doing a sand activity out in the playground. They used...
Y1 Art
Year 1 children made paper plate fish in their Art lesson last week. What a fun activity!
Y2 Maths
On 2nd May 2023, Y2's Maths lesson was about Place Value. Students learned the value of each...
Y4 Assembly
Year 4 presented us with an entertaining play. They have been studying plays, poems and all sorts...
Y2 Assembly
The Year 2 Assembly was about the song, 'The Circle of Life'. It was taken from the soundtrack of...
Y3 - English lesson - chocolate making
As 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' is the lesson that the Year 3 children are currently...
Y5 Assembly - Women's Day
On 8th March, the whole world celebrated Women's Day, and Year 5 told us about it and some women...
Book Week - Day 5 - Pyjama Day - Reception
Reception class were all in their pyjamas as was the rest of the school. They also had popcorn...
Book Week Day 5 - Pyjama Day - Dr. Seuss' Birthday
On the last day of Book Week, we decided to dress up (or down) in our pyjamas! It was on 2nd...
Book Week - Day 4 -Fishing for a Story
Our activity for this day was to 'Fishing for a Story'. The house teams were divided into even...
Book Week Day 3 - Junior House quiz
We have been gradually bringing back all our old favourites and the House Quizzes are no...
Book Week Day 3 - D.E.A.R.
We had another D.E.A.R. session, with everyone bringing and reading their book.
Book Week - Day 2
Day 2 held more activities for the whole school. We had a 'Where's Wally?' search. Small pictures...
Book Week - Day 1
Day 1 of our 'Book Week' had us all having a D.E.A.R. session. That means Drop Everything And...
23rd February Double assembly: Year 1 and Year 3
Due to absences and then the half-term holiday, Year 3's assembly was postponed. They joined Year...
Bake Sale -February
On 2nd February Year 6 organised another Bake Sale. While there was not as much food contributed,...
Nursery and Years 4, 5 & 6 Arabic Assembly
The Nursery children are always full of enthusiasm and enjoy performing. This week was no...
Year 3 Art lesson
The children of Year 3 practised their cutting skills by cutting out shapes on paper. They placed...
Year 2 Art - Symmetry
The Year 2 students learned symmetry in Maths. For Art they had to make a turtle and make the...
Year 2 Maths -Measure
This week the Year 2 students were eager and excited to learn to estimate and measure length in...
Reception Assembly Term 2
The younger members of the school hosted the assembly this week, to the delight of all who...
Y3 Art - Rocks
The children of Year 3 played the role of Pablo Picasso today. They turned their not-so-good...
Y3 Science - Rocks
The Year 3 children went on a rock hunt around the school and looked like budding geologists in...
Y6 Science: Dissolving Solids
Year 6 have been learning about which solids are soluble and which are insoluble. For this...
19th January - Year 6 Assembly
As always, Year 6 had the honour of hosting the first assembly of the term. This time the...
Tie your lace!
Something that most of us consider an easy and essential skill is to tie laces. Unfortunately not...
Year 3 - Art Lesson
It was the first art lesson in 2023 and it was messy yet fun! They used paint and marbles and no...
Winning House Team
All those merits points add up one by one and this term's winning team was the....................
Year 3 Picnic lunch
Three months gone by and how! So before going on holiday, Year 3 marked the last day of term 1 by...
Year 5 Assembly
For the last week of term, Year 5 gave us a very important message. They talked to us about...
BES and BSB Bazaar
After weeks of preparation, the evening of the bazaar finally arrived. It was well supported by...
Year 4 Assembly
Year 4 gave us a lesson about Australia. They told us many things about the country, which is...
Y1 Assembly
Year 1 entertained us this week with songs; some that we all know and love (and so join in with)...
Bake Sale
Year 6 organised another Bake Sale in order to raise money for the Children's Hospital. The cakes...
Y2 Assembly
Year 2 hosted this week's assembly with a story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' which was different...
Y5 Art work
Year 5 made tropical rainforest birds for Art, because in English we are doing 'The Hummingbird',...
Y3 Assembly
Year 3 hosted the assembly and sang about the power that each of us has to succeed. It was a...
Reception making pancakes
For U.N. Day, Reception celebrated Dutch culture by making pancakes, one of Holland's most famous...
Year 6 trip to Tolmeitha
On Sunday, 6th November, Year 6 took a hired bus to Tolmeitha to see the site where the Ancient...
Arabic Assembly Years 1, 2 & 3
The younger members of the school hosted our assembly in Arabic this week. They all wore the...
Y2 Maths
Year 2 have been learning about symmetry and cut shapes to demonstrate this.
Year 3 Science: Materials
Always on the hunt for fun stuff, Year 3 yet again went around the school premises looking for...
Year 3 Art: Elmer the Elephant
While learning about materials in Science, the Year 3 children heard the story of Elmer the...
Crazy Hair Day
Year 3 held a 'Crazy Hair Day'! The ideas were amazing!
UN Day Assembly
The last day of the week of UN activities saw the whole school host an assembly, with many...
UN Activities
The school celebrated UN Day a little early this year as the official day is on 24th October. On...
Y5 UN Week
Year 5 were learning about China and so made Chinese lanterns in class.
Y1 UN Week
During this week, Year 1 did some South African craft by making bead necklaces. All the children...
Nursery Assembly
This was a first performance for the children of the nursery class, and they did very well. They...
Year 3 Art: Using leaves and flowers
While learning about plants and leaves in Science, the students of Year 3 use them to create a...
Year 3 - Science - Germination on paper towels
The Year 3 students were so thrilled and amazed to have a closer look at how a seed sprouts. They...
Reception Assembly
Reception hosted our assembly this week, and they did it very well. They told us about fruit and...
Arabic Assembly Years 4, 5 & 6
The three upper classes of the school hosted the assembly this time. Every child had something to...
After-School Activities
After-school activities are always in great demand and this year was no exception. We have some...
Year 5 Paper Weaving
We did paper weaving as an art activity, because it is a fun and inexpensive way to help children...
Year 5 Smiley Art
Birthdays are special occasions. To remember our birthdays, we decided to make a smiley face to...
Year 5 mouldy bread experiment
Our topic in Science was 'Microbes'. As an experiment to see and observe how microbes grow, we...
Bake Sale
Our first Bake Sale was held after a long time. The Year Six children organised it, with the help...
Year 3 - Fruit Salad Activity
To fight all the viruses coming our way, it is so important to keep fit and healthy. While...
Year 3 - Show and Tell
Every Thursday the Year 3 class has a 'Show and Tell' session where each of the pupils brings in...
Y3 Science lesson
While learning about our wonderful senses in Science, the Year 3 children went on a scavenger...
Y3 Art lesson: This little light of mine
The children of Year 3 had a gala time during their Art lesson. They made cute, little lamp...
Y6 Assembly
The first assembly of the year was hosted by Year Six. After the restrictions of the corona...
Roald Dahl Day
Roald Dahl, the well-known children's author, was born on 13th September 1916. He wrote many...
Our first week
Our classrooms were prepared to welcome back our 'old' students and welcome some new ones too....