2018-19 Gallery
Farewell Year Six!
A whole year has gone and it was time to say goodbye to all the children for the summer, but Year...
20th June: Infant's show
On the last Thursday of term, the Infants took over the assembly. They took us on a journey...
13th June
After a short break, we were back with Year 5 hosting the assembly. They performed a short play,...
30th May
Another ice-cream day! That is always good news. In our assembly, Year 1 sang us a beautiful...
23rd May
Years 3 and 4 hosted our assembly today with a special friend, Mr. Muftah. He played his guitar...
16th May
The days are getting hotter and so ice cream is very welcome. Of course, all the profits will be...
9th May
This week it was the turn of Years 1, 2 and 3 to host the assembly in Arabic. They all sang...
2nd May ice creams and assembly
May is here and we started with an ice cream day. Everyone enjoys those! Don't forget that the...
Assembly 11th April
Our final assembly gave us the answer to which team would win the cup for the term. The answer...
Reading Week
The last week of term coincided with Reading Week. We had many activities, some old favourites...
Sports Day medal winners
In the races, all the times of the children had been recorded and so the winners were awarded...
Sports Day part 3
The last part of our day was again with team games: Big Feet and Fill the Bucket. All the...
Sports Day part 2
After the games came the races. Everyone ran, even some of the teachers!
Sports Day part 1
Sports Day is always popular and this year was no exception. The house teams were divided into...
Assembly 28th March
The Nursery class hosted the assembly this week. They sang a song about going home after school....
Oscar winners
The performances were amazing! The votes are in and we have our Oscar winners. Of course it was a...
Assembly 21st March
The younger members of the school hosted the assembly this week. They sang a song about plants...
Assembly 14th March
This week the Year 1 pupils sang us a song about the weather during the four seasons. They did...
Bake Sale 14th March
Year 6 organised another Bake Sale. All the children loved trying the food, and, of course, we...
Football tournament
Miss Nafeesah, Mr. Mohamed and Mr. Raouf kindly organised a football tournament for the children....
Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits
Rehearsals have been underway for a while now and the dates of our performances are fast...
Assembly 7th March
In assembly this week Year 3 sang a song about having friends to count on and being a friend that...
Assembly 28th February
Year 6 hosted our assembly this week with 2 plays written and performed by them. The first was...
Assembly 21st February
This week Year 2 entertained us. They have been learning about the 'Great Fire of London' and...
Assembly 14th February
In this assembly, Years 1, 2 and 3 recited and sang in Arabic. They were impressive! We had many...
Assembly 7th February
Most of us have heard some things about the trip to Greece, but this week The children of Year 6,...
Assembly 31st January
The girls of Year 5 sang a song in Arabic for this assembly. We had many certificate winners....
Assembly 24th January
Year 4 hosted this assembly and, as they have been learning about Vikings in their History...
Assembly 17th January
Year 5 reminded us how important it is to have and be a friend. They also sang a song about it....
Year 6 in Greece! Day 5, 11th December
Next we travelled to Athens where we spent some time walking around the Acropolis. We then went...
Year 6 in Greece! Day 4, 10th December
Our next stop was in Delphi, where, in Ancient times, people visited the oracle to ask her...
Year 6 in Greece! Day 3, 9th December
We then made our way to Ancient Olympia, where we learnt about the Ancient Games and some of us...
Year 6 in Greece! Day 2, 8th December
We visited a pottery studio and then travelled south to Messini and afterwards went to see an...
Year 6 in Greece! Day 1, 6th and 7th December
At the end of the first term, some of the Year 6 children joined others from BES on an exciting...
Assembly 10th January
Our first assembly of the new year and the new term was a different one. None of the classes were...
Last week of Term 1
Our last week of term was busy! We held House Quizzes for the Juniors and Infants and the...
Assembly 29th November
Our hosts this week were the youngest members of our school and they entertained us with some...
Assembly 22nd November
This week we watched performances by both the Reception class and Year 2. Reception told us all...
Bake Sale and assembly
The Year 6 students organised a bake sale this week. That is always very popular and this one was...
Assembly 8th November
Year 3 hosted our assembly this week. They sang about a woman who swallowed a fly.... and many...
1st November assembly
This week's assembly was hosted by Years 4, 5 and 6 in Arabic. They sang songs and told us some...
Nursery class was learning about shapes and colours this week. They were sponge painting. It...
UN Week 21st - 25th October
We have all been busy this week. Our theme was 'A Peaceful Heart Creates a Peaceful World.' The...
11th October
Another ice cream day! We enjoy these days and it is always good to know that we are helping...
The week of 30th September until 4th October
This week has been very busy with something happening every day. Miss Nafeesah organised a Sports...
27th September: Ice cream day and assembly
We had our first ice cream day of the year, and, as always, it was a great success. Remember that...
Our second week
During our second week of school, the Nursery and Reception classes made their own playdough!...
The first week back.
We are back again at school, meeting up with old friends and making new ones. This week was also...