2017-18 Gallery
See the photographs of all the activities which take place in the school during the year.
Year 6 Farewell
The last day of term for all the school is also the last day of Primary School for the class of...
The Final Week!
The end of term always brings some extra activities and this year was no exception. We had House...
Assembly 31st May
This assembly was hosted by the youngest members of the school: Nursery and Reception. They told...
Ice cream day and assembly 24th May
The day started off well with ice creams being sold during the first break. We continued the good...
Week of 29th April - 3rd May
This was a busy week, even with a day off in the middle of it! A football tournament was arranged...
Assembly 26th April
Year 5 hosted the assembly with poetry readings. The children had chosen a poem, either...
Assembly 19th April
This assembly was a busy one. First of all, some Year 4 pupils sang us a song, in Arabic, about...
The children have been rehearsing our play for months. ZOOM! is our school production this year....
Sports Day 12th April
Sports Day is a day that everyone enjoys and today was no exception. We first gathered in our...
Assembly 22nd March
We always knew that there were some talented children in our school, but this final assembly of...
Assembly 15th March
The Arabic department took over the assembly this week. They showed us how they learn in their...
Assembly 8th March
The youngest members of our school took to the stage today to tell us all about what they have...
Book Week 25th February - 1st March
Book Week is always enjoyable with many activities to encourage our love of books. This week we...
Assembly 22nd February
This week we were entertained by Year 2. They acted in a play about fishes under the sea and...
Assembly 15th February
Year 4 hosted this week's assembly with the theme of 'Friendship'. they asked what makes a good...
Bake Sale 11th February 2018
The children of Year 6, with the help of Year 5, organised a bake sale. We had cakes and pizzas...
Assembly 8th February 2018
Year 3 reminded us that the previous week had been National Storytelling Week and asked us what...
Assembly 1st February 2018
Year 6 hosted the assembly with a 'Readers Theatre' play. We have all heard the story of Sleeping...
Assembly 25th January 2018
Year 5 have been learning about myths and legends and performed 3 small plays showing this.
Assembly 18th January 2018
This week our assembly was hosted by Years 4 and 5. They all performed in Arabic; Year 5 sang a...
Assembly 11th January 2018
Our first assembly of the new term and 2018 was hosted by Years 3 and 4, who sang a song about...
Winter concert
Our end of term concert was all about December around the world. All the children performed. The...
House Quizzes
Our Junior House Quiz took place on 12th December, followed the next day by the Infants. They all...
Assembly 7th December 2017
The Nursery and Reception classes hosted the assembly this week with a performance. Year 5 sang...
Assembly 23rd November 2017
The Infants have been learning about the 5 senses and Year 2 showed us by performing a short...
Assembly 16th November 2017
The youngest members of our school entertained us in assembly this week. The sang about the...
Assembly 9th November 2017
Assembly this week was hosted by Year 6, who told us many ways in which they could drive their...
Assembly 2nd November 2017
Year 4 performed a play showing us what they had learned in History, Year 2 sang a song in Arabic...
UN assembly 26th October 2017
UN Day is always cause for celebration in our school. This year we focused on helpers. The...
Assembly 19th October 2017
Year 5 hosted this week's assembly.They performed a play from their books about a group of people...
Assembly 12th October 2017
Year 4 sang a song for us all at this week's assembly. Certificates were given to children for...
Assembly 5th October 2017
Our assembly was hosted by Year 6, who told us some traditional tales. Year 4 sang a song in...
The first week of school
We are back again and ready for another year!
During our first week, we celebrated Roald Dahl...